
its not what it meant

九月在看Luis Buñuel的電影,超現實的故事情節,荒謬不已卻發人心省。看得令人津津有味的有這部,Buñuel向馬克思致敬的電影《The Phantom of Liberty》。電影由不同人物的小故事組成,如人類學家到友人家作客,餐桌下配置的不是餐椅,而是馬桶,男人女人小孩解開褲裙坐在馬桶上閒話家常,要進食的話得跟大家說聲:「Excuse me for a moment」,然後移步至小房間內進食;小女孩不見了,學校和家 長煞有其事地出尋人啟事、派人搜索,但其實女孩一直站在他們的面前;男人拿着來福槍在高樓上向街上的行人掃射,殺人後卻被大家擁作英雄般的看待,在他上庭審判後更有美女粉絲向他索簽名……你說是離奇不?

René Magritte described his paintings by saying, "My painting is visible images which conceal nothing; they evoke mystery and, indeed, when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question, 'What does that mean?'. It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable."
