
A lesson

自去年把牙齒矯正後,每晚我都遵循醫生的叮嚀戴上牙套後才上床睡覺,原則是每天最少要戴上八小 時,當然外遊時在長途機上,也必套不離牙地橫越地球半週,因為這排整齊的牙齒,對我的人生何其重要! 是什麼時候,它變成我能安睡要點之一? 是在失去了它們後,我才嚇然驚覺。

是的,這對牙套,被莫名其妙地遺漏在飛機上……明明好端端地放進膠盒裏,何解會不翼而飛? 我嚇得無法思考……最後,只得死氣氣地回醫生處再配一對,花上二千大元!剛好是一件名牌裙子的價錢,there goes margiela ~ bibi Helmut L. ~ no more handbags lu... Bibi ~ ~ ~ No more new books to read ~ no more CDs, no more DVDs...

Now I got the new ones back, hope I'll have a good sleep tonight.
I'm so sick, can't sleep without the pain.

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

Ah Hahaha! My poor sister! I will take your lesson to heart, too! I am still having my braces on for another month. Going to take them off on the 13th!