

她傳來一句「things need time to nurture...」,心有同感。擱幾天後,再細想,以前老愛怨為何自己不早點做甚麼、看甚麼……現在想通了,時機到了,就會到。不會遲,也不會早。我不會再操心去管甚麼是早了或遲了,只要好好把握現在就好。愛看那些小說電影,現在便去看;愛做的研究,現在就開始;愛寫愛畫的,都去;珍惜的,就要關心;想說的話,要好說好說。還要好好地提醒自己要放多些時間下去,細看,專心,沉殿。

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

hello ire! its hiromi. i'm emailing you several times but sounds you haven't received any of them so i'm trying to contact you through here. just a minut ago i emailed you again, if you received that can you email me again? or if you have another email address can you tell me? really hope to see you soon in tokyo!

irecho 說...

oh, hiromi and mitsu , thanks for keep trying to email me, and leaving your message here.

I was wondering about the missing emails too recently. I've got your just a minute ago email, and replied. my another email is cstsui@omghk.com Talk soon.

匿名 說...
