
Have faith, dear Aquarius.

Susan miller預言本月"Travel seems to be a lovely option all month",對對,我們將會出遊。

她還說,"Spiritual retreats, seminars, and discussions will also glow brightly for you, and you are likely to be deeply touched and inspired by what you learn. This month's energies are so positive that you would be wise to venture forward. " 近日見的人多了,愈感到活着不錯。好友L回港暫休,我深信她會重新振作,一定會;朋友B發起的Happy Action,給陌生人寫信畫咭,故事一籮籮(最快樂的是獲得他設計的木書架,好喜歡!);訪問設計師Karim時,聽他說自己的童年和設計,讓我對這位外表浮誇的設計師完全改觀,There's nothing wrong to change for the better...;明天將會去海洋公園採訪水晶大師,終於看熊貓去了!

Master S老愛在瑜伽課上說,powerful, powerful 什麼的,大概……指的就是這種正能量吧!現在只差晚上睡不好而已(老是三、四點醒來。)。憂鬱、低潮,有如快樂的前奏,沒有了它們,便不知道快樂為何物。我只想家人、朋友都可自由自在,快樂地做自己愛做和相信的事,便心滿意足。

Susan miller,這就是我的Faith。
